10 Most Common Plumbing Myths Debunked

Woman leaning on the counter by the sink with a plunger on it
September 5, 2023

10 Most Common Plumbing Myths Debunked

Are you tired of falling for plumbing myths that end up costing you time and money? Well, fear no more! We’re here to debunk the top 10 most common plumbing myths and set the record straight.

Whether you have a minor leak or a clogged drain, we’ve got the answers you need. So put down that hand auger and step away from the chemical cleaners. Small Jobs Plumbing, Inc., your trusted sewer rooter specialists, are ready to save the day!

Don’t let these myths hold you back any longer – it’s time to get informed and take control of your plumbing needs. Let’s dive right in!

Myth #1: Minor Leaks Can Be Easily Ignored – They Are No Big Deal

When it comes to plumbing, even minor leaks should never be ignored. Sure, that small drip from your faucet may seem harmless at first – but appearances can be deceiving! Ignoring a minor leak can lead to major problems down the line.

First of all, those constant drips can add up quickly and result in wasted water. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it’s also bad for your wallet. Those seemingly insignificant drops can drive up your water bill faster than you might think!

But the financial impact is just the tip of the iceberg. Ignored leaks can cause hidden damage within your walls or floors. That slow drip may eventually lead to mold growth and structural issues if left unchecked.

Additionally, an untreated leak could escalate into a burst pipe situation when you least expect it. The pressure from continuous leaking weakens pipes over time, increasing the risk of a sudden pipe failure.

So, remember, no matter how small or inconsequential a leak may appear, take action immediately! Give Small Jobs Plumbing Inc. a buzz, and let our experts handle any plumbing issue before it becomes a big deal – because prevention is always better than dealing with costly repairs later on!

Myth #2: Running Water Helps to Clear a Clogged Drain

When it comes to dealing with a clogged drain, there are plenty of plumbing myths out there. One common misconception is that running water can help clear the blockage. Unfortunately, this plumbing myth couldn’t be further from the truth.

Running water may seem like a logical solution to unclog your drains. After all, if something is stuck in the pipe, wouldn’t adding more water help push it through? In reality, running water alone is unlikely to do much for a stubborn clog or partial blockage.

The force of running water may dislodge some small obstructions temporarily, but it won’t solve the underlying issue. If there’s a solid object or buildup causing the blockage, simply pouring more water down the drain won’t make it magically disappear.

To effectively clear a clogged drain, you’ll need to take more direct action. Using a plumbing hand-snake can provide better results by physically removing or breaking up the obstruction. And if that method doesn’t work, it’s best to call in professional plumbers who have specialized tools and expertise.

Relying on running water alone won’t solve your clogged drain problem. Take proactive steps and use proper techniques to address any plumbing issues you encounter for long-lasting solutions.

Myth #3: Plungers Are the Best Way to Unclog a Toilet

When it comes to unclogging a toilet, many people believe that plungers are the ultimate solution. However, this is just another plumbing myth that needs debunking. While plungers can be effective in some cases very minor, they are not usually the best way to tackle a stubborn clog.

Plungers work by creating suction and pressure to dislodge a blockage in the drain. They are designed specifically for use on flat surfaces like sinks and bathtubs. When it comes to toilets, however, the shape of the bowl and trap makes it difficult for plungers to create enough force to remove larger obstructions.

In fact, using a plunger incorrectly can actually make matters worse. If you apply too much force or use an improper technique, you risk pushing the clog further down into your pipes or even causing damage.

Instead of relying solely on a plunger, consider using alternative method such as a toilet auger. Augers are specifically designed for clearing toilet clogs and can reach deeper into the pipes where plungers may fall short.

Remember, if you’re dealing with a persistent toilet clog that won’t budge with basic DIY methods, it’s best to call in professional help from Small Jobs Plumbing Inc., your trusted sewer rooter specialists. We have the experience and expertise needed to diagnose and resolve any plumbing issue efficiently and effectively without causing further damage.

Myth #4: Pouring a Gallon of Boiling Water Down Your Plumbing Drains Will Clear Them

When faced with a clogged drain, many people turn to the old trick of pouring boiling water down it, hoping for a quick fix. While this may seem like an easy and effective solution since grease is commonly a cause of slow drains, it’s actually just another plumbing myth.

Pouring boiling water directly into your drain can cause damage to your pipes. The sudden temperature change can lead to cracks or even burst pipes, resulting in costly repairs. Additionally, certain types of drains are not suitable for hot water at all, such as PVC pipes which can warp or melt.

While boiling water may help break down some substances that contribute to clogs like grease and soap scum, it is unlikely to completely clear a stubborn blockage. A gallon of boiling water alone is often not enough to dislodge deep-rooted clogs caused by hair or other debris.

In reality, using a combination of methods is usually necessary for more severe blockages. If you find yourself dealing with persistent clogs that won’t budge despite your efforts, it’s best to call on the expertise of professional plumbers who have the right tools and knowledge needed for effective unclogging.

Remember that taking preventive measures like regular plumbing maintenance and proper disposal practices are key in avoiding clogged drains altogether. Stay informed about plumbing myths so you don’t waste time and potentially cause more harm than good when trying DIY solutions.

At Small Jobs Plumbing Inc., we understand the frustration that comes with plumbing issues. Our team of experts specializes in sewer rooting services and can provide tailored solutions based on your unique needs. Don’t let plumbing myths mislead you – contact us today for reliable assistance!

Myth #5: You Can Clear Your Drains with Dish Soap When Built-Up Grease is the Problem

Many people believe that using dish soap is an effective solution for clearing a clogged drain caused by built-up grease. However, this is just another one of those plumbing myths that needs debunking. While dish soap may help with your dishes, it is not a reliable solution for blockages in your drains or pipes.

When it comes to grease buildup in your drains, dish soap can only do so much. It may provide temporary relief by breaking down some of the grease and allowing water to flow more freely. But the reality is that dish soap alone cannot dissolve or remove stubborn grease deposits that have accumulated over time.

To effectively clear a drain clogged with built-up grease, you need professional assistance. As plumbers, we have specialized tools and techniques to tackle the problem at its source. We can use high-pressure water jetting or mechanical snaking to break apart and remove the hardened grease from your pipes.

Remember, relying on dish soap as a DIY solution for clogged drains can lead to even bigger problems. If you suspect your drains are suffering from a buildup of greasy residue, don’t waste time with ineffective remedies – call Small Jobs Plumbing, Inc. today!

Myth #6: You Can Flush Wipes So Long As They Are Marked Flushable

Ah, the convenience of flushable wipes. Many people believe that as long as the packaging says “flushable,” they are safe to send down the toilet. But we are here to tell you, this is another of those plumbing myths that needs to be debunked – and fast.

Yes, it’s true that these wipes may break down in water more easily than regular baby wipes or cleaning wipes. However, just because they can technically be flushed doesn’t mean they should be.

The problem lies in your plumbing system. Even if these so-called flushable wipes make it through your toilet and into the pipes, they can still cause major issues downstream. These wipes have been known to clog up sewer lines and create blockages that are costly and time-consuming to fix.

So, what should you do instead? Simple – throw those wipes in the trash! It may not be as convenient as flushing them away, but it will save you from potential plumbing disasters down the line.

If you’re dealing with a clogged drain or any other plumbing issue caused by flushing non-flushable items like wipes (or anything else for that matter) – don’t panic! Just give us a call at Small Jobs Plumbing Inc. – your sewer rooter specialists, and we will come to your rescue.

Myth #7: Chemicals Are the Best Way to Clear a Clogged Drain

Chemicals are often seen as a quick and easy solution to clear a clogged drain. However, this is just another plumbing myth. While it may seem convenient to pour some chemical cleaner down your drain and hope for the best, it’s not the most effective or safe method.

Many chemical drain cleaners contain harsh ingredients that can damage your pipes over time. These chemicals can erode the lining of your pipes, leading to leaks and costly repairs. Additionally, if you have older plumbing systems or certain types of pipes (such as PVC), these chemicals can be even more damaging.

Furthermore, while chemicals might temporarily clear a clog, they often only address the symptom rather than the underlying issue. They may break up an obstruction enough for water to flow freely again for a short time, but fail to fully remove the blockage. This means that you’ll likely encounter recurring clogs in no time.

Remember: when it comes to clearing a clogged drain, skip the chemicals and opt for safer options that provide long-lasting solutions without compromising your pipes’ integrity.

Myth #8: Pipes in Your Home Only Freeze When You Don’t Have the Heat On

When it comes to frozen pipes, many people believe that they only occur when you don’t have the heat on in your home. Unfortunately, that once again falls under the myth category, even if we only get freezing temperatures on an infrequent basis.

The truth is pipes can freeze even if you have the heat on. It all depends on factors such as insulation, temperature fluctuations, and exposure to cold air. Just because your thermostat is set to a comfortable temperature doesn’t mean your pipes are safe from freezing.

In fact, some areas of your home may be more susceptible to freezing than others. Uninsulated or poorly insulated areas like crawl spaces and attics are particularly vulnerable, especially in older homes since they were built when people didn’t get the same type of cold spells we see more often now. Even if you have central heating throughout your home, these exposed areas can still experience freezing temperatures.

What can you do to prevent frozen pipes? Insulating exposed pipes is a good start if you get temperatures that fall below freezing regularly enough to worry. You should also consider adding insulation to any unheated parts of your home where plumbing runs through.

If you’re going away during colder weather, it’s important not just to turn off the heat completely but also take precautions like opening cabinet doors under sinks and letting faucets drip slightly overnight. Frozen pipes can lead to costly repairs and water damage. Don’t fall for the misconception that having the heat on will always protect your plumbing – take proactive measures instead!

Myth #9: Lemon Peels Are Great at Cleaning and Deodorizing Your Garbage Disposal

Let’s address another common plumbing myth: the belief that lemon peels are a fantastic way to clean and deodorize your garbage disposal. While it may seem like a natural and refreshing solution, the truth is that lemon peels can actually do more harm than good.

First of all, while the scent of lemons may temporarily mask unpleasant odors, it doesn’t eliminate them completely. The pungent smells in your garbage disposal are often caused by food particles stuck in the blades or pipes, which need to be physically removed rather than simply covered up.

Additionally, putting citrus peels down your disposal can lead to clogs and damage over time. The fibrous nature of these peels makes them difficult for the blades to break down properly. They can get wrapped around the mechanisms or create blockages in the pipes, causing backups and costly repairs.

Instead of relying on lemon peels, try using ice cubes made from vinegar or running cold water while grinding small amounts of baking soda through your disposal. These methods will help remove any residue and keep things fresh without risking damage.

Remember, when it comes to caring for your garbage disposal – stick with tried-and-true methods that won’t cause more harm than good! If your garbage disposal isn’t working properly, then you can also call us in to help!

Myth #10: So Long As Your Water Still Drains, You Don’t Have a Plumbing Problem

When it comes to plumbing problems, many homeowners believe that as long as the water is still draining, there’s no need to worry. However, this is a common misconception that can lead to bigger issues down the line.

A slow drain can indicate a partial blockage in your pipes. While the water may still be able to pass through, there could be debris accumulating and causing further damage over time. Ignoring this problem can eventually result in a complete blockage and potential flooding.

Plumbing problems don’t always manifest themselves through visible signs like overflowing toilets or burst pipes. Issues such as low water pressure or strange noises coming from your pipes should also be addressed promptly.

Don’t fall for the myth that as long as your water is still draining everything is fine – it’s essential to address any potential plumbing problems proactively before they become major headaches!

Worried That One of These Plumbing Myths May Affect You? Contact Us Here at Small Jobs Plumbing, Inc.

If any of these plumbing myths have left you feeling uncertain or concerned about your own plumbing situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Small Jobs Plumbing, Inc. Our team of experts is here to help debunk any misconceptions and provide you with the reliable plumbing services you need.

Whether it’s a minor leak that needs attention, a stubborn clogged drain that requires professional assistance, or uninsulated pipes causing concern over the upcoming winter months, our sewer rooter specialists are equipped with the knowledge and tools to tackle any issue.

Remember, when it comes to your plumbing system, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t let these common myths lead you astray. Contact Small Jobs Plumbing, Inc., where no job is too big, today for expert advice and top-notch service. Let us put an end to your plumbing worries once and for all!

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